Steam countryballs download
Steam countryballs download

steam countryballs download

Games Operators is a publishing company that invests in, releases, and promotes video games. Get ready for a Campaign Mode based on Countryballs’ most popular memes.ĬountryBalls Heroes is now available on Steam. Check that you’re really not as easily offended as you think you are.įight epic turn-based duels. Magic can be dangerous when entrusted to the wrong hands, so use these artifacts with caution.įace several iconic Countryball villains and vigilantes. Just remember that what’s seen cannot be unseen.Ĭollect hundreds of powerful artifacts. Use the power of memes, national stereotypes, and flaws in your favor. Choose one of the 12 playable characters available to lead your troops, dominate the map, and show everyone you’re the most powerful Countryball out there. Choose from seven playable Countryball factions, each consisting of 90 units such as plumbers, hussars, priests, drunkards, cowboys, Britons, and more. And yes, Trumpball’s special skill will be building The Wall, while Borisball’s answer to all the world’s problems will, of course, be Brexit.īuild your army. Each of them has a different personality and represents the flaws of a chosen nation – Trumpball, Merkelball, Hillaryball, Karateputinball, Borisball, Polandball – you name it. Choose your faction that will have seven unique balls typical to each country and a bunch of heroes you can recruit. Assemble your army, build overwhelming cities, raise and upgrade your heroes, gather powerful artifacts, and prove that YOUR Countryball is the one to rule them all. Watch the CountryBalls Heroes launch trailer HERE.ħ Factions (USA, China, Germany, UK, Russia, Poland, and PolandBall).ĬountryBalls Heroes is a crazy, turn-based strategy game full of memes and real-world references. Download it and check out what the fuss is all about! Valve finally made up their mind and gave CountryBalls Heroes – a crazy, turn-based strategy game full of memes and real-world references – the green light for today’s launch. Give this indie gem a chance in between all the massive AAAs launching this month.įOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 16th, Warsaw, Poland. Become the ultimate meme general! CountryBalls Heroes is finally here. Classic Heroes-inspired CountryBalls Heroes is launching on Steam today.

Steam countryballs download