Call of duty cold war install campaign ps4
Call of duty cold war install campaign ps4

call of duty cold war install campaign ps4

If you purchased a digital version of the game, but it is not downloading during the pre-load period, visit your platform’s respective first-party store and follow the prompts to begin the download. Next Generation Consoles: Pre-loading will be available on their respective launch dates (November 10 th for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, November 12 th for PlayStation 5). PC: Pre-loading will be available on November 10 th at 10AM PT. Xbox One: Pre-loading will be available on November 5 th at 9 PM. PlayStation® 4: Pre-loading will be available on November 5 th at 9 PM. Pre-loading will be available in the coming days before the game’s November 13 th launch for all platforms, including next-generation consoles once they arrive.īelow is a breakdown of when pre-loading begins on all platforms:

Call of duty cold war install campaign ps4